miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Intel® Galileo University Curricula

"Over the past year, Intel has donated 50,000 Intel® Galileo boards to more than 1,000 universities. The innovation among faculty and students this donation has spawned is only just beginning.
Professors around the world are creating new curricula, workshops, and class projects which integrate physical computing into disparate disciplines. Students studying subjects ranging from robotics to design, Internet of Things, art, and computer science are engaging in hands-on learning and building prototypes with Intel Galileo.

They are also participating in periodic Intel Galileo Tech Talks, where universities showcase work they've done with Intel Galileo and engage in an open dialogue among academia and Intel Galileo product experts. Some content from university donation recipients and information from these Tech Talks can be found below.

If you are a professor working with Intel Galileo in the classroom or lab, and would like to participate in the Tech Talks, share your curriculum with other like-minded educators, or have ideas for new curricula development and would like to request Intel Galileo boards from Intel, please contact Intel’s University Program Office.  You may also want to check out Intel's Galileo Resources There you will find getting started guides, software downloads, and support resources."

Watch a brief overview of the Intel University Tech Talks here"


"El Área Docente de la Comunidad Intel Galileo funge como un compendio de recursos para facilitar la integración de la tarjeta Intel Galileo como plataforma de desarrollo para materias y cursos de educación media-superior y superior. El objetivo del contenido del área es el proveer de planes de estudio modelo así como material didáctico que sirva como fundamento para el desarrollo de nuevos programas curriculares o cursos cortos en temas relacionados con las ciencias exactas e ingenierías.

El contenido presente puede ser utilizado, modificado y distribuido sin requerir permiso explicito de los autores a menos que se indique lo contrario. Todo el material es proporcionado por miembros de la comunidad Intel Galileo, si deseas hacer una contribución proporcionando material afín al área, entra en contacto con nosotros y participa en el foro con tus comentarios respecto al material."

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